Windows File Structure Overview


Root Directory (C:): Windows is typically installed on the C: drive. However, additional drives (D:, E:, etc.) can create other partitions, external drives, or network drives.


Each drive has its own file system and directory structure, with the root directory at top.

System Folders: Contain critical system files

  • C:\Windows: Contains the Windows operating system files.
  • C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86): Folders where applications are typically installed. The (x86) version is for 32-bit applications on 64-bit systems.
  • C:\Users: Stores user profiles and associated data (documents, settings, etc.) for each user account on the machine.

Paths Structure


Drives: The highest level in the hierarchy. C:\

Directories (Folders): Also called directories, these are containers where files and other directories (called subdirectories) are stored.

  • Directory: C:\Usrs\Student\ -Sub-directory: C:\Usrs\Student\Documents

Files: Contents stored in the directories or subdirectories. Each file has a name and an extension (e.g., .txt, .docx), which identifies the file type. C:\Users\Student\Documents\classnotes.txt