Title here
Summary here
If Visual Studio Code is not installed on your system, instructions on installation can be found at code.visualstudio.com.
Use the shortcut Ctrl+
to open the integrated terminal.
To check if Git is installed, open a terminal and run:
git --version
If it is not installed, instructions on installation can be found at git-scm.com.
By default, Git is usually installed in one of these locations:
For Windows 10 and Windows 11:
Search for Environment Variables:
, then select System info
at the bottom right.Advanced system settings
.Environment Variables
button near the bottom.Edit System PATH:
System variables
section, find and select the Path
variable, then click Edit...
and enter the path to your Git bin directory. This is usually installed in one of these locations:Restart Your System (Optional but Recommended)
git --version
To configure Git, run the following commands:
Note: Enter your name and email in the corresponding " " sections
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"